Showing 73–85 of 85 results

Silphium perfoliatum
Silphium perfoliatum, or Cup Plant, is a 6-8 foot, hardy, stunning perennial for full to part sun in moist to dry soils. Cup Plant produces large yellow flowers at the tops of plants in summer, and it will reseed itself … Continued

Solidago flexicaulis
Solidago flexicaulis, or Zig Zag Goldenrod, is a 2-4 foot woodland perennial goldenrod with oval serrated leaves. Zig Zag Goldenrod prefers dry to medium moist soils in shade to part sun and is a moderate spreader. The perennial produces golden … Continued

Solidago odora
Solidago odora, or Anise-Scented Goldenrod, is a native perennial named for the licorice fragrance produced by the leaves when crushed. Anise-Scented Goldenrod provides a burst of color late in the season with its dense spires of golden-yellow flowers.

Solidago rugosa
Solidago rugosa, or Rough-stemmed Goldenrod, is an easily grown perennial known for its rough, hairy stem and wrinkled leaves. Rough-stemmed Goldenrod grows in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. This perennial’s dense yellow flowers … Continued

Solidago sempervirens
Solidago sempervirens, or Seaside Goldenrod, is 2-4 foot, showy perennial with graceful, plume-like, golden yellow flower heads in fall. Seaside Goldenrod prefers sandy or well-drained soils in full to part sun. This perennial is one of the few plants surviving … Continued

Solidago speciosa
Solidago speciosa, or Showy Goldenrod, is a 2-4 foot, showy perennial for moist to dry soils in sun to part sun. Showy Goldenrod’s light yellow, candlestick-shaped blooms in fall and its red stems make this a favorite of fields and … Continued

Sorghastrum nutans
Sorghastrum nutans, or Indian Grass, is a 4-6 foot tall, clump-forming, warm-season grass native to North America. Indiangrass blooms from late summer to early fall and is composed of flowers with yellow stamens and silky, soft, bronze seed heads. In … Continued

Spigelia marilandica
Spigelia marilandica, or Woodland Indian Pink, is a one foot, striking, woodland perennial with crimson and light yellow interior blooms in summer. Woodland Indian Pink prefers part sun to light shade in moist rich woods. The perennial forms a good … Continued

Tradescantia ohiensis
Tradescantia ohiensis, or Ohio Spiderwort, is a 1-2 foot, tough, drought-tolerant and long-blooming perennial for dry to medium, moist, well-drained soils in full to part sun. Ohio Spiderwort’s deep blue-violet flowers appear from late spring to midsummer alongside blue-green grass-like … Continued

Verbena hastata
Verbena hastata, or Blue Vervain, is a 2-4 foot tall perennial for moist to wet soils in full to part sun. Blue Vervain’s dark blue-violet, candelabra-like flowers appear in July to September and serve as nectar for butterflies and bees. … Continued

Verbena stricta
Verbena stricta, or Hoary Vervain, is 2-4 foot, native perennial that prefers full sun in dry to medium, well-drained loamy soils. Hoary Vervain has beautiful lavender flower spires appearing in late summer. The native perennial is drought and deer resistant. … Continued

Vernonia gigantea
Vernonia gigantea, or Giant Ironweed, is a 6-8 foot tall, tough perennial with large lance-shaped leaves with panicles of rich purple blooms appearing in mid to late summer. Giant Ironweed prefers full to part sun in moist to wet soils. … Continued

Veronicastrum virginicum
Veronicastrum virginicum, or Culver’s Root, is a 3-5 foot durable perennial with good vertical strength and form that prefers moist to wet soils in full to part sun. Culver’s Root features graceful white flower spikes that appear in mid to … Continued