Showing 1–24 of 56 results
Plant blooms in May.

Actaea pachypoda
White Baneberry, or Actaea pachypoda, is also known as Doll’s Eyes and can grow up to two feet tall. White Baneberry is best grown in moist, well-drained soils in part sun to full shade. The herbaceous perennial produces white fruit, … Continued

Anemone canadensis
Anemone canadensis, or Canada Anemone, is a 1-2 foot perennial that prefers the full sun to part shade with moist soil. Canada Anemone acts as a great ground cover and features deep green foliage covered with white, cup-shaped flowers in … Continued

Anemonella thalictroides
Anemonella thalictroides, or Rue Anemone, is an early spring plant with delicate white blooms growing in well-drained soil. Rue Anemone is perfect for shaded areas of a rock garden or as an underplanting for shrubs. Anemonella thalictroides is also known … Continued

Aquilegia canadensis
Aquilegia canadensis, or Columbine, is a classic woodland wildflower with lacy blue-green foliage and beautiful red and yellow flowers. Hummingbirds flock to its flowers, and it reseeds itself freely.

Arisaema triphyllum
Arisaema triphyllum, or Jack-in-the-Pulpit, is a spring woodland flower growing in various conditions, but it thrives in moist, shady locations. Jack-in-the-Pulpit is composed of three-parted leaves and flowers in a spadix covered by a hood. Once established, this plant is … Continued

Asarum canadense
Asarum canadense, or Wild Ginger, is a six-inch tall, woodland, perennial ground cover plant for shady, medium moist, humus-rich soils. Wild Ginger features red cup-shaped flowers hidden below green heart-shaped leaves that arrive in early summer.

Asimina triloba
Asimina triloba, or Paw Paw, is a large, 15-foot, native shrub producing a large yellow-green to brown fruit. The sweet, custardy fruits are the largest edible fruit indigenous to the US. Paw Paw grows in sun to part sun and … Continued

Carex blanda
Carex blanda, or Wood Sedge, is an evergreen, perennial sedge growing in moist to dry soils and part sun or full shade. Wood Sedge displays deep green flower spikes above its leaves in late spring. Wood Sedge offers a low-mounded … Continued

Carex pensylvanica
Carex pensylvanica, or Pennsylvania Sedge, is a perennial sedge that is one of the first to bloom in spring. The sedge is a shade-loving perennial growing in dry to medium soils. Pennsylvania Sedge enjoys upland woodlands, wooded slopes, or sandy … Continued

Carex stipata
Carex stipata, or Common Fox Sedge, is a sturdy, deer-resistant sedge active in the spring and fall when the soil is cool. It is found in areas with full shade or full sun and consistently moist or medium soils. Common … Continued

Carex stricta
Carex stricta, or Tussock Sedge, is a truly beautiful sedge that forms attractive green tussocks (clumps) of fine-leaved foliage. Flowers appear in late spring in reddish-brown spikes on top of its stems. Tussock Sedge is easily grown in moist to … Continued

Caulophyllum thalictroides
Caulophyllum thalictroides, or Blue Cohosh, is a 2-3 foot perennial for moist rich woods. Its beautiful foliage appears in spring turning from purple-green to blue-green. Star-shaped yellow flowers on Blue Cohosh appear in early spring and its deep blue-black berries … Continued

Claytonia virginica
Claytonia virginica, or Spring Beauty, is an early flowering spring wildflower with five white or pink petals striped with darker pink veins. Spring Beauty prefers rich, moist soil and part sun. The small woodland plant is great for pollinators, attracting … Continued

Delphinium tricorne
Delphinium tricorne, or Dwarf Larkspur, is a one-foot perennial thriving in medium to wet soil in all sun exposures, particularly part sun to shade. Dwarf Larkspur’s blue-purple flowers appear in early spring from April to June. Long-tongued bees, hummingbirds and … Continued

Dicentra cucullaria
Dicentra cucullaria, or Dutchman’s Breeches is a spring ephemeral flowering in the early spring in time for the first bumblebees to enjoy its white flowers. The pair of outer petals form a swollen “V” making the hanging flower seem like … Continued

Dicentra eximia
Dicentra eximia, or Bleeding Heart, is a dainty little 9-12” woodlander perennial with attractive lacy fern-like foliage and pink flowers shaped like bleeding hearts. Bleeding Heart prefers full to part shade and medium to moist loamy, organic well-drained soils. Native … Continued

Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia, or Shooting Star, is a 1-2 foot perennial that thrives in part shade to full sun and medium to moist well-drained soils. Shooting Star’s pink-white showy flowers with red-yellow centers resemble tiny umbrellas when it blooms in early … Continued

Geranium maculatum
Geranium maculatum, or Wild Geranium, is a charming native 1- to 2-foot perennial woodlander. Wild Geranium is a favorite spring bloomer with lavender blooms and attractive foliage. It prefers shade to part sun and rich, moist soils, but it will … Continued

Geum triflorum
Geum triflorum, or Prairie Smoke, is a perennial with silky, flowing flowers, blooming from mid-spring to early summer. Prairie Smoke never fails to gain admirers. When Prairie Smoke goes to seed, it produces long, upward fuzzy hairs resembling smoke. The … Continued

Hepatica acutiloba
Hepatica acutiloba, or Sharp-Lobed Hepatica, is an attractive wildflower found growing in open woods in early to mid-spring. The flowers are white, purple-blue, or pink in color with a round shape, and its leaves are distinctive and mottled, turning crimson … Continued

Hierochloe odorata
Hierochloe odorata, or Sweet Grass, is an aromatic, native, perennial grass, growing 1-2 feet. Sweet Grass prefers moist, rich soils in full sun, but it can be grown in medium moist soils and sand, loam, or clay. Its glossy-green leaves … Continued

Hydrastis canadensis
Hydrastis canadensis, or Goldenseal, is a 1-foot tall woodland native perennial ground cover preferring shade to part sun and moist to well-drained rich in organic matter. Ornamental maple-like leaves and raspberry-like fruit appear atop its upper leaves in late summer. … Continued

Hypoxis hirsuta
Hypoxis hirsuta, or Yellow Star Grass, is a one-foot, perennial wildflower found in dry to wet-mesic soils and full to part sun. Yellow Star Grass features tufted, grass-like leaves and yellow, star-shaped flowers that appear in mid-spring to early summer. … Continued

Iris cristata
Iris cristata, or Crested Iris, is a low-growing plant best grown in moist, well-drained soils in part shade. The Crested Iris produces pale blue, lilac or lavender iris flowers with gold crests on the falls on short stems.