Showing 1–24 of 63 results
Plant blooms in September.

Agastache foeniculum
Agastache foeniculum, or Anise Hyssop, is a 2-3 foot perennial member of the mint family. Anise Hyssop’s leaves produce a strong anise or licorice scent when crushed, and its bluish-purplish flowers appear in July through September. The plant grows in … Continued

Andropogon gerardii
Andropogon gerardii, or Big Bluestem, is a tall, impressive, warm-season, clump grass. In spring, the grass appears blue-green, and, in summer, it turns green with red tinges. In late summer, the tall grass features a purplish, 3-spike inflorescence resembling a … Continued

Andropogon scoparium
Andropogon scoparium, or Little Bluestem, is a short warm season clump grass with a dense root system, growing best in average, dry soil and full sun. Once established, Little Bluestem has good drought resistance as it tolerates high heat and … Continued

Aster cordifolius
Aster cordifolius, or Blue Wood Aster, is a 2-3 foot perennial for partially shaded sites in dry or moist soil. Blue Wood Aster is often found at the edge of woods with clouds of blue flowers appearing in early fall. … Continued

Aster divaricatus
Aster divaricatus, or White Wood Aster, is a low mounding, rhizomatous perennial that is typically the first aster to bloom in late summer. White Wood Aster produces white ray flowers with light pink centers that are sure to brighten your … Continued

Aster ericoides
Aster ericoides, or Heath (White) Aster, is a 2-3 foot perennial for full sun, well-drained soils. Heath (White) Aster has very prolific tiny white flowers that appear in late summer to early fall. It is also a great butterfly food … Continued

Aster laevis
Aster laevis, or Smooth Blue Aster, is a 2-4 foot hardy perennial for full to part sun and dry to medium moist soils. Smooth Blue Aster has leaves and stems with a pale glaucous bloom and deep blue flowers appearing … Continued

Aster novae-angliae
Aster novae-angliae, or New England Aster, is a 3-5 foot perennial for full to part sun and moist, damp soils. New England Aster’s very showy, deep violet to purple flowers appear in late summer to early fall. It is a … Continued

Aster novi-belgii
Aster novi-belgii, or New York Aster, is a sturdy, clump-forming perennial with lance-shaped leaves and rings of purple or pink flowers surrounding yellow disc centers. It typically produces more blooms than New England Aster. New York Aster thrives in moist, … Continued

Aster oblongifolius
Aster oblongifolius, or Aromatic Aster, is a 1-2 foot perennial for full sun to part shade and medium to dry, well-drained soils. The perennial is very drought tolerant. The branching stems of Aromatic Aster feature violet flowers with yellow centers … Continued

Boltonia asteroides
Boltonia asteroides, or False Aster, is a 2-4 foot perennial for full to part sun and wet to damp and dry soils. False Aster’s showy white to pink flowers appear in late summer to early fall. The flowers provide nectar … Continued

Campanula americana
Campanula americana, or Tall Bell Flower, is a 4-5 foot biennial for full shade to full sun and rich, well-drained, moist soils. Its deep blue flowers appear in July to early September. Tall Bell Flower is found in moist meadows … Continued

Chasmanthium latifolium
Chasmanthium latifolium, or Sea Oats, is a 3-4 foot tall, showy grass for moist soils in sun to shade. The dense clumps of its dark green leaves end in open clusters of flowers in late summer and are followed by … Continued

Chelone glabra
Chelone glabra, or Turtlehead, is a 2-3 foot wetland perennial for wet meadows and rich moist to average soils that blooms in late summer-early fall. Turtlehead’s creamy white flower resembles a turtle’s head. It serves as a nectar plant and … Continued

Clematis virginiana
Clematis virginiana, or Virgin’s Bower, is a beautiful native vine with white flowers that twine by twisting leaf stalks around vertical supports. Without support, the vine will sprawl along the ground, creating a dense groundcover. Virgin’s Bower produces fragrant blooms … Continued

Dicentra eximia
Dicentra eximia, or Bleeding Heart, is a dainty little 9-12” woodlander perennial with attractive lacy fern-like foliage and pink flowers shaped like bleeding hearts. Bleeding Heart prefers full to part shade and medium to moist loamy, organic well-drained soils. Native … Continued

Echinacea paradoxa
Echinacea paradoxa, or Ozark or Bush’s Coneflower, is a 3 foot perennial with yellow flowers that prefer medium to dry soil conditions and grows best in full sun to partial shade. It blooms June-August and attracts butterflies and bees. Best … Continued

Echinacea purpurea
Echinacea purpurea, or Purple Coneflower, is a 3- to 4-foot perennial that attracts butterflies, songbirds and hummingbirds to your garden. Purple Coneflower’s pink flowers bloom profusely from mid to late summer, and it thrives in dry to medium moist soils. … Continued

Echinacea tennesseensis
Echinacea tennesseensis, or Tennessee Coneflower, is a 1-1.5 foot tall perennial that prefers well-drained soils in full sun. Tennessee Coneflower has deep rose-colored flat and broad ray flowers that bloom from July to September, and it is very drought tolerant. … Continued

Eupatorium coelestinum
Eupatorium coelestinum, or Blue Mistflower, is covered with blue-violet flowers in late summer from July to September. Blue Mistflower makes a great ground cover for shade and grows lushly in full sun with adequate moisture. Eupatorium coelestinum is also known … Continued

Eupatorium perfoliatum
Eupatorium perfoliatum, or Boneset, is a 2-3 foot tall perennial that makes a dramatic accent to you garden with its small, fluffy, white blooms in late summer. It has interesting foliage, developing pairs of opposite, wrinkly, lance-shaped green leaves along … Continued

Gentiana andrewsii
Gentiana andrewsii, or Bottle Gentian, is a 1-2 foot tall perennial preferring part sun and moist to wet rich soils. Bottle Gentian’s deep blue bottle-type flowers bloom in late summer to fall. Just be careful transplanting as it resents root … Continued

Gentiana flavida
Gentiana flavida, or Cream Gentian, is a 2-3 foot tall native perennial with showy, cream to white blooms appearing in late summer to early fall. Cream Gentian prefers average, medium moist well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. The … Continued

Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale, or Dog Toothed Daisy, is a 4-5 foot tall perennial preferring full to part sun and moist to wet rich soils. The bright yellow flowers of Dog Toothed Daisy appear in late summer. It is a great plant … Continued