Showing 1–24 of 38 results

Aquilegia canadensis
Aquilegia canadensis, or Columbine, is a classic woodland wildflower with lacy blue-green foliage and beautiful red and yellow flowers. Hummingbirds flock to its flowers, and it reseeds itself freely.

Baptisia tinctoria
Baptisia tinctoria, or Yellow Wild Indigo, is a shrub-like perennial with silvery, gray-green leaves and bright pea-shaped flowers in late spring. The plant grows best in full sun or part sun. Young plants tend to get off to a slow … Continued

Caulophyllum thalictroides
Caulophyllum thalictroides, or Blue Cohosh, is a 2-3 foot perennial for moist rich woods. Its beautiful foliage appears in spring turning from purple-green to blue-green. Star-shaped yellow flowers on Blue Cohosh appear in early spring and its deep blue-black berries … Continued

Chamaecrista fasciculata
Chamaecrista fasciculata, or Partridge Pea, is an annual plant with yellow flowers with deep red stamens favored by bees and other pollinators, blooming June to August. Partridge Pea features symmetrical foliage with blue-green leaves that retreat when touched.

Coreopsis lanceolata
Coreopsis lanceolata, or Lanceleaf Coreopsis, is a 2 foot, tough perennial often used in wildflower mixes. Lanceleaf Coreopsis prefers dry, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade and produces brilliant, yellow, daisy-like flowers from June to July. The plant … Continued

Coreopsis tinctoria
Coreopsis tinctoria, or Plains Tickseed, is a 2-4 foot annual species that prefers the full sun to moderate shade and well-drained soils. The plant is good for areas with poor or dry soils. Plains Tickseed is a very showy flower … Continued

Dicentra cucullaria
Dicentra cucullaria, or Dutchman’s Breeches is a spring ephemeral flowering in the early spring in time for the first bumblebees to enjoy its white flowers. The pair of outer petals form a swollen “V” making the hanging flower seem like … Continued

Dodecatheon meadia
Dodecatheon meadia, or Shooting Star, is a 1-2 foot perennial that thrives in part shade to full sun and medium to moist well-drained soils. Shooting Star’s pink-white showy flowers with red-yellow centers resemble tiny umbrellas when it blooms in early … Continued

Echinacea paradoxa
Echinacea paradoxa, or Ozark or Bush’s Coneflower, is a 3 foot perennial with yellow flowers that prefer medium to dry soil conditions and grows best in full sun to partial shade. It blooms June-August and attracts butterflies and bees. Best … Continued

Hamamelis virginiana
Hamamelis virginiana, or Witch Hazel, is a 15-20 foot, native woody deciduous shrub of eastern US with yellow fall foliage and fragrant yellow flowers appearing in late fall to early winter. Witch Hazel prefers full to part shade and medium, … Continued

Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale, or Dog Toothed Daisy, is a 4-5 foot tall perennial preferring full to part sun and moist to wet rich soils. The bright yellow flowers of Dog Toothed Daisy appear in late summer. It is a great plant … Continued

Helianthus divaricatus
Helianthus divaricatus, or Woodland Sunflower, is a 3-4 foot tall perennial preferring shade to part sun and medium to dry soils. Woodland Sunflower’s large yellow disc and ray flowers appear in summer. It is a spreader via rhizomes and birds … Continued

Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliopsis helianthoides, or Ox-Eye or False Sunflower, produces bright yellow flowers in early to mid-summer, thriving in moist to heavy soils. The Ox-Eye Sunflower or False Sunflower appears sunflower-like with daisy flowers. The flowers are visited by honey bees, native … Continued

Hypericum punctatum
Hypericum perforatum, or Dotted St. John’s Wort, is a 1-3 foot tall common perennial preferring medium to well-drained, mesic soils and full to part sun. The plant’s yellow flowers with black dots and bushy stamens appear in late June to … Continued

Hypericum pyramidatum
Hypericum pyramidatum, or Great St. John’s Wort, is a 2-5 foot tall perennial preferring moist to wet soils and full to part sun. Great St. John’s Wort’s large two-inch yellow flowers with bushy stamens appear in late June to August. … Continued

Hypoxis hirsuta
Hypoxis hirsuta, or Yellow Star Grass, is a one-foot, perennial wildflower found in dry to wet-mesic soils and full to part sun. Yellow Star Grass features tufted, grass-like leaves and yellow, star-shaped flowers that appear in mid-spring to early summer. … Continued

Iris versicolor
Iris versicolor, or Northern Blue Flag is a 2-3 foot wetland perennial preferring full to part sun in moist to wet soils. Northern Blue Flag’s blue flowers with yellow throats arise from sword-shaped leaves from June to July. The perennial … Continued

Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum, or Turk’s Cap Lily, is the largest and most spectacular of the native lilies in northeastern North America and attracts the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly. Turk’s Cap Lily produces beautiful, bell-shaped, yellow-orange “flame” colored flowers with red spots … Continued

Monarda punctata
Monarda punctata, or Spotted Bee Balm, is a 2-3 foot perennial with pink, green and brown-purple spotted flowers in late summer. Spotted Bee Balm prefers moist to dry sandy or gravelly soils in sun to part sun. It is a … Continued

Opuntia humifusa
Opuntia humifusa, or Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, is a sun-loving cactus native to eastern North America. This cactus thrives in full sun and sandy, dry conditions, making it ideal for the driest part of your garden. Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus … Continued

Packera aurea
Packera aurea, or Golden Ragwort (Golden Groundsel), is a 1-2’ tall, herbaceous perennial for average, medium to wet soils in full sun to shady sites. Golden Groundsel or Golden Ragwort produces clusters of small golden flowers in May. It is … Continued

Ratibida columnifera
Ratibida columnifera, or Mexican Hat Coneflower, is a 1-3 foot, long-blooming, easy perennial for dry to moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Mexican Hat Coneflower’s blooms are light yellow drooping rays and a green to brown long central disc flowers … Continued

Ratibida pinnata
Ratibida pinnata, or Yellow Coneflower, is a 2-5 foot, long-blooming, easy perennial for dry to moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Yellow Coneflower’s blooms are light yellow with a central brown cone. The perennial is good for borders and meadows, … Continued

Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia hirta, or Black-Eyed Susan, is a showy, easy to grow perennial ideal for meadows and prairies. Black-Eyed Susan’s extravagant, yellow blossoms attract native bees, pollinating flies, beneficial wasps and butterflies. The seed heads attract finches and other birds.