Showing 1–24 of 27 results

Actaea pachypoda
White Baneberry, or Actaea pachypoda, is also known as Doll’s Eyes and can grow up to two feet tall. White Baneberry is best grown in moist, well-drained soils in part sun to full shade. The herbaceous perennial produces white fruit, … Continued

Anemonella thalictroides
Anemonella thalictroides, or Rue Anemone, is an early spring plant with delicate white blooms growing in well-drained soil. Rue Anemone is perfect for shaded areas of a rock garden or as an underplanting for shrubs. Anemonella thalictroides is also known … Continued

Asclepias tuberosa
Asclepias tuberosa, or Butterfly Milkweed is a 1-2 foot dazzling member of the Milkweed family. Butterfly Milkweed leaves are lance-shaped, and its flowers are a brilliant orange. Preferring dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun, Butterfly Milkweed appears from … Continued

Aster oblongifolius
Aster oblongifolius, or Aromatic Aster, is a 1-2 foot perennial for full sun to part shade and medium to dry, well-drained soils. The perennial is very drought tolerant. The branching stems of Aromatic Aster feature violet flowers with yellow centers … Continued

Baptisia tinctoria
Baptisia tinctoria, or Yellow Wild Indigo, is a shrub-like perennial with silvery, gray-green leaves and bright pea-shaped flowers in late spring. The plant grows best in full sun or part sun. Young plants tend to get off to a slow … Continued

Caulophyllum thalictroides
Caulophyllum thalictroides, or Blue Cohosh, is a 2-3 foot perennial for moist rich woods. Its beautiful foliage appears in spring turning from purple-green to blue-green. Star-shaped yellow flowers on Blue Cohosh appear in early spring and its deep blue-black berries … Continued

Chamaecrista fasciculata
Chamaecrista fasciculata, or Partridge Pea, is an annual plant with yellow flowers with deep red stamens favored by bees and other pollinators, blooming June to August. Partridge Pea features symmetrical foliage with blue-green leaves that retreat when touched.

Coreopsis lanceolata
Coreopsis lanceolata, or Lanceleaf Coreopsis, is a 2 foot, tough perennial often used in wildflower mixes. Lanceleaf Coreopsis prefers dry, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade and produces brilliant, yellow, daisy-like flowers from June to July. The plant … Continued

Echinacea tennesseensis
Echinacea tennesseensis, or Tennessee Coneflower, is a 1-1.5 foot tall perennial that prefers well-drained soils in full sun. Tennessee Coneflower has deep rose-colored flat and broad ray flowers that bloom from July to September, and it is very drought tolerant. … Continued

Gentiana andrewsii
Gentiana andrewsii, or Bottle Gentian, is a 1-2 foot tall perennial preferring part sun and moist to wet rich soils. Bottle Gentian’s deep blue bottle-type flowers bloom in late summer to fall. Just be careful transplanting as it resents root … Continued

Hierochloe odorata
Hierochloe odorata, or Sweet Grass, is an aromatic, native, perennial grass, growing 1-2 feet. Sweet Grass prefers moist, rich soils in full sun, but it can be grown in medium moist soils and sand, loam, or clay. Its glossy-green leaves … Continued

Hypericum punctatum
Hypericum perforatum, or Dotted St. John’s Wort, is a 1-3 foot tall common perennial preferring medium to well-drained, mesic soils and full to part sun. The plant’s yellow flowers with black dots and bushy stamens appear in late June to … Continued

Liatris scariosa
Eastern Blazing Star, or Liatris scariosa, is a two-foot-tall perennial preferring dry soils and full to part sun. Eastern Blazing Star’s rose-purple flower spikes appear in late summer from August to September. The perennial is tough, making it tolerant of … Continued

Lupinus perennis
Lupinus perennis, or Wild Lupine, is a two-foot late spring flowering perennial with shimmering spikes of bright blue flowers. It prefers dry sandy or gravelly acid soils in part to full sun. Wild Lupine is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which aids … Continued

Mertensia virginica
Mertensia virginica, or Virginia Bluebells, is a 1-2 foot perennial woodlander native to moist humus-rich soils in part to full shade. Virginia Bluebells has beautiful pink to light blue bell-shaped flowers, appearing early to late spring. The plant goes dormant … Continued

Mimulus ringens
Mimulus ringens, or Monkey Flower, is a 2-3 foot hardy perennial for wet meadows and watersides. Monkey Flower is a long summer bloomer with bright violet flowers preferring moist to wet rich soils in part to full sun. Be sure … Continued

Monarda bradburiana
Monarda bradburiana, or Bradbury Monarda, is a two-foot perennial, shorter and more compact than the popular classic Wild Bergamot. Bradbury Monarda has a wonderful minty smell and attracts many pollinating insects and hummingbirds.

Monarda punctata
Monarda punctata, or Spotted Bee Balm, is a 2-3 foot perennial with pink, green and brown-purple spotted flowers in late summer. Spotted Bee Balm prefers moist to dry sandy or gravelly soils in sun to part sun. It is a … Continued

Onoclea sensibilis
Onoclea sensibilis, or Sensitive Fern, is a 1-3 foot tall fern with coarsely segmented, pale green triangular frond. Sensitive Fern’s fertile fronds resemble a cluster of woody, small grapes. The fern prefers moist to wet soils in sun (if constantly … Continued

Osmorhiza claytonii
Osmorhiza claytonii, or Sweet Cicely, is a 1-2 foot, woodland perennial with fern-like leaves and tiny white flowers blooming in late spring. Sweet Cicely prefers rich moist soils in shady to semi-shady areas. Native Americans chewed the root or gargled … Continued

Polygonatum biflorum
Polygonatum biflorum, or Solomon’s Seal, is a 1-2 foot, woodland perennial thriving in moist soils and shade. Solomon’s Seal has white-green, bell-shaped blooms that hang down on arching stems in spring.

Polystichum acrostichoides
Polystichum acrostichoides, or Christmas Fern (Evergreen), is an evergreen fern, or a plant with leaves that remain green all year long. Christmas Fern gets its name for its evergreen fronds that were used by early settlers for holiday floral arrangements. … Continued

Ratibida columnifera
Ratibida columnifera, or Mexican Hat Coneflower, is a 1-3 foot, long-blooming, easy perennial for dry to moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Mexican Hat Coneflower’s blooms are light yellow drooping rays and a green to brown long central disc flowers … Continued

Smilacina racemosa
Smilacina racemosa, or False Solomon’s Seal, is a two-foot perennial with white flowers appearing in late spring to early summer, followed by red berries. False Solomon’s Seal spreads slowly by rhizomes. The native perennial prefers shade to part sun and … Continued