Showing 1–24 of 28 results

Agastache foeniculum
Agastache foeniculum, or Anise Hyssop, is a 2-3 foot perennial member of the mint family. Anise Hyssop’s leaves produce a strong anise or licorice scent when crushed, and its bluish-purplish flowers appear in July through September. The plant grows in … Continued

Andropogon scoparium
Andropogon scoparium, or Little Bluestem, is a short warm season clump grass with a dense root system, growing best in average, dry soil and full sun. Once established, Little Bluestem has good drought resistance as it tolerates high heat and … Continued

Anemone virginiana
Anemone virginiana, or Tall Thimbleweed, is a 2-4 foot perennial member of the Buttercup family. It grows in full sun to shade and in average to dry soils. Tall Thimbleweed’s leaves are strongly veined with distinct stalks. Tall Thimbleweed produces … Continued

Asclepias verticillata
Asclepias verticillata, or White Milkweed, is a deep-rooted perennial with small greenish-white flowers blooming in small clusters between July to August. The late-blooming milkweed makes it a valuable late-season food source for Monarch butterflies and their caterpillars.

Aster ericoides
Aster ericoides, or Heath (White) Aster, is a 2-3 foot perennial for full sun, well-drained soils. Heath (White) Aster has very prolific tiny white flowers that appear in late summer to early fall. It is also a great butterfly food … Continued

Carex stipata
Carex stipata, or Common Fox Sedge, is a sturdy, deer-resistant sedge active in the spring and fall when the soil is cool. It is found in areas with full shade or full sun and consistently moist or medium soils. Common … Continued

Carex stricta
Carex stricta, or Tussock Sedge, is a truly beautiful sedge that forms attractive green tussocks (clumps) of fine-leaved foliage. Flowers appear in late spring in reddish-brown spikes on top of its stems. Tussock Sedge is easily grown in moist to … Continued

Ceanothus americanus
Ceanothus americanus, or New Jersey Tea, is a 2-3 foot, hardy, perennial, woody shrub for well-drained dry to medium soils in part to full sun. New Jersey Tea produces bright white flowers growing in July through August. Younger plants get … Continued

Coreopsis tinctoria
Coreopsis tinctoria, or Plains Tickseed, is a 2-4 foot annual species that prefers the full sun to moderate shade and well-drained soils. The plant is good for areas with poor or dry soils. Plains Tickseed is a very showy flower … Continued

Echinacea pallida
Echinacea pallida, or Pale Purple Coneflower, is a 2-4 foot hardy perennial with pale pink to purple drooping flowers appearing in late spring to summer. Pale Purple Coneflower prefers full sun and well-drained medium to dry soils. It is a … Continued

Echinacea paradoxa
Echinacea paradoxa, or Ozark or Bush’s Coneflower, is a 3 foot perennial with yellow flowers that prefer medium to dry soil conditions and grows best in full sun to partial shade. It blooms June-August and attracts butterflies and bees. Best … Continued

Gentiana flavida
Gentiana flavida, or Cream Gentian, is a 2-3 foot tall native perennial with showy, cream to white blooms appearing in late summer to early fall. Cream Gentian prefers average, medium moist well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. The … Continued

Helianthus divaricatus
Helianthus divaricatus, or Woodland Sunflower, is a 3-4 foot tall perennial preferring shade to part sun and medium to dry soils. Woodland Sunflower’s large yellow disc and ray flowers appear in summer. It is a spreader via rhizomes and birds … Continued

Hystrix patula
Hystrix patula, or Bottlebrush Grass, is an ornamental woodland species with airy, bottlebrush-like seed heads in mid-summer. Bottle Brush Grass grows best in dry to medium soils in shade to part sun. Bottlebrush Grass is a perfect grass for woodland … Continued

Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum, or Turk’s Cap Lily, is the largest and most spectacular of the native lilies in northeastern North America and attracts the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly. Turk’s Cap Lily produces beautiful, bell-shaped, yellow-orange “flame” colored flowers with red spots … Continued

Osmunda cinnamomea
Osmunda cinnamomea, or Cinnamon Fern, is a 2-5 foot tall fern with large, densely hair fiddleheads prominent in spring. The spores on the Cinnamon Fern’s fertile fronds resemble cinnamon sticks. The fern prefers moist to wet soils in shade to … Continued

Parthenium integrifolium
Parthenium integrifolium, or Wild Quinine, is a three-foot perennial, producing dense, white, cauliflower-like flowers from June to September. The leaves of the plant were used by Native Americans in a tea to reduce fevers.

Pycnanthemum incanum
Pycnanthemum incanum, or Hoary Mountain Mint, grows to a height of three feet. Hoary Mountain Mint produces clusters of tiny white flowers from July to August. The leaves surrounding the flowers are silvery white. The native perennial prefers well-drained soils … Continued

Pycnanthemum muticum
Pycnanthemum muticum, or Showy Mountain Mint, is a 3 foot, clump-forming perennial with white to violet blooms and silvery, blue-green leaves appearing in mid to late summer. Showy Mountain Mint prefers moist soils in part to full sun. The plants … Continued

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, or Narrow-Leaf Mountain Mint, is a four-foot perennial, growing in medium, well-drained soil and full sun to part shade. Narrow-Leaf Mountain Mint produces white blooms in late summer, appearing from July to September. All parts of the plant … Continued

Pycnanthemum virginianum
Pycnanthemum virginianum, or Mountain Mint, is a three-foot perennial that favors drier sites than its close relatives. Mountain Mint prefers full sun in dry to medium soils, producing white flowers in mid to late summer. The perennial is a great … Continued

Rosa carolina
Rosa carolina, or Pasture Rose, is a three-foot, native shrub with fragrant pink flowers appearing in early summer. Pasture Rose is a deciduous shrub that prefers full to part sun and dry, medium to wet, well-drained soils. The native shrub … Continued

Rudbeckia fulgida
Rudbeckia fulgida, or Orange Coneflower, is a 2-4 foot, showy, golden-yellow blooming perennial for moist meadows and clearings. Orange Coneflower is one of the best summer-flowering natives. It prefers full to part sun and self-sows. The perennial is a favorite … Continued

Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia hirta, or Black-Eyed Susan, is a showy, easy to grow perennial ideal for meadows and prairies. Black-Eyed Susan’s extravagant, yellow blossoms attract native bees, pollinating flies, beneficial wasps and butterflies. The seed heads attract finches and other birds.