Showing 73–96 of 133 results

Mitchella repens
Mitchella repens, or Partridge Berry, is a low-growing perennial forming mat-like colonies of interlaced stems. The glossy evergreen leaves are attractive year-round growing a pair of white flowers in spring. When pollinated, a scarlet berry appears.

Monarda bradburiana
Monarda bradburiana, or Bradbury Monarda, is a two-foot perennial, shorter and more compact than the popular classic Wild Bergamot. Bradbury Monarda has a wonderful minty smell and attracts many pollinating insects and hummingbirds.

Monarda didyma
Monarda didyma, or Scarlet Beebalm, is a three-foot showy perennial with scarlet red blooms, appearing July to September. Scarlet Beebalm is easy to grow and prefers full sun to light shade in moist soils. Scarlet Beebalm is a great nectar … Continued

Monarda fistulosa
Monarda fistulosa, or Wild Bergamot, is a 2-4 foot adaptable and lovely perennial with a rounded habit. Wild Bergamot’s sweetly aromatic foliage produces violet blooms in summer. The perennial prefers moist fertile soils in full sun to light shade. Used … Continued

Monarda punctata
Monarda punctata, or Spotted Bee Balm, is a 2-3 foot perennial with pink, green and brown-purple spotted flowers in late summer. Spotted Bee Balm prefers moist to dry sandy or gravelly soils in sun to part sun. It is a … Continued

Opuntia humifusa
Opuntia humifusa, or Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, is a sun-loving cactus native to eastern North America. This cactus thrives in full sun and sandy, dry conditions, making it ideal for the driest part of your garden. Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus … Continued

Osmorhiza claytonii
Osmorhiza claytonii, or Sweet Cicely, is a 1-2 foot, woodland perennial with fern-like leaves and tiny white flowers blooming in late spring. Sweet Cicely prefers rich moist soils in shady to semi-shady areas. Native Americans chewed the root or gargled … Continued

Pachysandra procumbens
Pachysandra procumbens, or Allegheny Spurge, is a 1-2 foot, attractive groundcover with fragrant, white flower spikes appearing in spring (May-June). Later, the white flowers become camouflaged by gorgeous, mottled evergreen foliage.

Packera aurea
Packera aurea, or Golden Ragwort (Golden Groundsel), is a 1-2’ tall, herbaceous perennial for average, medium to wet soils in full sun to shady sites. Golden Groundsel or Golden Ragwort produces clusters of small golden flowers in May. It is … Continued

Panax quinquefolius
Panax quinquefolius, or American Ginseng, is 1-2 foot, woodland perennial preferring 70% shade and well-drained, humus-rich soils. American Ginseng’s tiny white umbel flowers appear from June to July. After this, red berries appear in late summer. Ginseng is a popular … Continued

Parthenium integrifolium
Parthenium integrifolium, or Wild Quinine, is a three-foot perennial, producing dense, white, cauliflower-like flowers from June to September. The leaves of the plant were used by Native Americans in a tea to reduce fevers.

Penstemon digitalis
Penstemon digitalis, or Foxglove Beardtongue, is a 3-4 foot perennial preferring medium, moist soils in sun to shade. Foxglove Beardtongue’s attractive white blooms appear in June-July and attract honeybees, bumblebees, Miner bees, Mason bees, and hummingbirds. Penstemon digitalis is also … Continued

Penstemon grandiflorus
Penstemon grandiflorus, or Large-Flower Beardtongue, is a 2-3 foot perennial with large, lavender-pink tubular flowers growing horizontally on its stem alongside pale, bluish-green leaves. Large-Flower Beardtongue is one of the showiest Penstemons. Penstemon grandiflorus is a host plant for the … Continued

Penstemon hirsutus
Penstemon hirsutus, or Hairy Beardtongue, is a 1-2 foot perennial with terminal clusters of violet to pale rose, snapdragon-like flowers appearing in late spring to early summer. The plant’s early bloom time and hairy stems distinguish it from other Beardtongues. … Continued

Phlox divaricata
Phlox divaricata, or Wild Blue Phlox, is a 1-2 foot woodland perennial with violet or lavender-blue flowers in spring. Wild Blue Phlox is a wonderful spring beauty for woodland gardens that slowly self sows itself.

Phlox pilosa
Phlox pilosa, or Prairie Phlox, is a 1-1.5 foot herbaceous perennial that prefers fertile, moderately dry to moist, well-drained soils and full to part sun. Prairie Phlox spreads by rhizomes to form clumps, and the plant’s pink-purple blooms appear from … Continued

Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana, or Obedient Plant, is a 2-4 foot perennial that thrives in full to part sun and moderately dry to wet soils. Obedient Plant can spread via self-sowing seed or by creeping rhizomes. The perennial’s light to dark pink … Continued

Podophyllum peltatum
Podophyllum peltatum, or May Apple, is a 1-2 foot woodland perennial with unique foliage. May Apple’s large, attractive white flowers bloom in May and June, but they are often hidden by its large leaves. The seeds are dispersed through consumption … Continued

Polemonium reptans
Polemonium reptans, or Jacob’s Ladder, is a 1-2 foot, woodlander perennial with loose clusters of blue-violet, bell-shaped flowers blooming in early to late spring. Jacob’s Ladder prefers damp, organic soils in full to part shade.

Polygonatum biflorum
Polygonatum biflorum, or Solomon’s Seal, is a 1-2 foot, woodland perennial thriving in moist soils and shade. Solomon’s Seal has white-green, bell-shaped blooms that hang down on arching stems in spring.

Porteranthus stipulatus
Porteranthus stipulatus, or Wild Indian Physic, is a 1-2 foot, sun-loving perennial producing delicate white blooms from May until June. Wild Indian Physic is attractive to pollinators, particularly bees, and its fall foliage becomes pinkish-yellow or red.

Pycnanthemum incanum
Pycnanthemum incanum, or Hoary Mountain Mint, grows to a height of three feet. Hoary Mountain Mint produces clusters of tiny white flowers from July to August. The leaves surrounding the flowers are silvery white. The native perennial prefers well-drained soils … Continued

Pycnanthemum muticum
Pycnanthemum muticum, or Showy Mountain Mint, is a 3 foot, clump-forming perennial with white to violet blooms and silvery, blue-green leaves appearing in mid to late summer. Showy Mountain Mint prefers moist soils in part to full sun. The plants … Continued

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium, or Narrow-Leaf Mountain Mint, is a four-foot perennial, growing in medium, well-drained soil and full sun to part shade. Narrow-Leaf Mountain Mint produces white blooms in late summer, appearing from July to September. All parts of the plant … Continued