Hierochloe odorata

Sweet Grass


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SKU: hi-odor-qt Category:


Hierochloe odorata, or Sweet Grass, is an aromatic, native, perennial grass, growing 1-2 feet. Sweet Grass prefers moist, rich soils in full sun, but it can be grown in medium moist soils and sand, loam, or clay. Its glossy-green leaves have a sweet vanilla fragrance with seed heads with bronze-colored spikelets. The grass creeps slowly by rhizomes to form a nice grass patch. It grows best in moist meadows, wetlands, and prairies. Some North American indigenous peoples burn Sweet Grass in ceremonies to attract good spirits. It is also used in the production of distilled beverages.

Hierochloe odorata is also commonly known as Vanilla Grass, Sweetgrass, and Manna Grass.

Culture details


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Soil moisture

Sun exposure


Bloom time

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