Showing 25–48 of 71 results

Coreopsis tinctoria
Coreopsis tinctoria, or Plains Tickseed, is a 2-4 foot annual species that prefers the full sun to moderate shade and well-drained soils. The plant is good for areas with poor or dry soils. Plains Tickseed is a very showy flower … Continued

Delphinium exaltatum
Delphinium exaltatum, or Tall Larkspur, is a 3-5 foot long-lived perennial that thrives in shade to part sun and rich, moist well-drained soils. Tall Larkspur has brilliant blue flowers that appear from July to August, much later bloom time than … Continued

Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Dennstaedtia punctilobula, or Hay-Scented Fern, is a deciduous fern with pale green, twice-pinnate fronds and a very lacy texture. Hay-scented Fern gets its name from the fronds that releases a fragrance similar to fresh mown hay when brushed with hands … Continued

Dicentra cucullaria
Dicentra cucullaria, or Dutchman’s Breeches is a spring ephemeral flowering in the early spring in time for the first bumblebees to enjoy its white flowers. The pair of outer petals form a swollen “V” making the hanging flower seem like … Continued

Dicentra eximia
Dicentra eximia, or Bleeding Heart, is a dainty little 9-12” woodlander perennial with attractive lacy fern-like foliage and pink flowers shaped like bleeding hearts. Bleeding Heart prefers full to part shade and medium to moist loamy, organic well-drained soils. Native … Continued

Dryopteris intermedia
Dryopteris intermedia, or Wood Fern, is a dry, woodland, clump growing fern. Wood Fern is a lacy evergreen fern that grows to 1-3’ tall with upright fronds to 40” long and 8” wide. Wood Fern is great for woodland or … Continued

Echinacea pallida
Echinacea pallida, or Pale Purple Coneflower, is a 2-4 foot hardy perennial with pale pink to purple drooping flowers appearing in late spring to summer. Pale Purple Coneflower prefers full sun and well-drained medium to dry soils. It is a … Continued

Echinacea paradoxa
Echinacea paradoxa, or Ozark or Bush’s Coneflower, is a 3 foot perennial with yellow flowers that prefer medium to dry soil conditions and grows best in full sun to partial shade. It blooms June-August and attracts butterflies and bees. Best … Continued

Echinacea tennesseensis
Echinacea tennesseensis, or Tennessee Coneflower, is a 1-1.5 foot tall perennial that prefers well-drained soils in full sun. Tennessee Coneflower has deep rose-colored flat and broad ray flowers that bloom from July to September, and it is very drought tolerant. … Continued

Geum triflorum
Geum triflorum, or Prairie Smoke, is a perennial with silky, flowing flowers, blooming from mid-spring to early summer. Prairie Smoke never fails to gain admirers. When Prairie Smoke goes to seed, it produces long, upward fuzzy hairs resembling smoke. The … Continued

Helianthus divaricatus
Helianthus divaricatus, or Woodland Sunflower, is a 3-4 foot tall perennial preferring shade to part sun and medium to dry soils. Woodland Sunflower’s large yellow disc and ray flowers appear in summer. It is a spreader via rhizomes and birds … Continued

Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliopsis helianthoides, or Ox-Eye or False Sunflower, produces bright yellow flowers in early to mid-summer, thriving in moist to heavy soils. The Ox-Eye Sunflower or False Sunflower appears sunflower-like with daisy flowers. The flowers are visited by honey bees, native … Continued

Hepatica acutiloba
Hepatica acutiloba, or Sharp-Lobed Hepatica, is an attractive wildflower found growing in open woods in early to mid-spring. The flowers are white, purple-blue, or pink in color with a round shape, and its leaves are distinctive and mottled, turning crimson … Continued

Hydrastis canadensis
Hydrastis canadensis, or Goldenseal, is a 1-foot tall woodland native perennial ground cover preferring shade to part sun and moist to well-drained rich in organic matter. Ornamental maple-like leaves and raspberry-like fruit appear atop its upper leaves in late summer. … Continued

Hypericum punctatum
Hypericum perforatum, or Dotted St. John’s Wort, is a 1-3 foot tall common perennial preferring medium to well-drained, mesic soils and full to part sun. The plant’s yellow flowers with black dots and bushy stamens appear in late June to … Continued

Hypoxis hirsuta
Hypoxis hirsuta, or Yellow Star Grass, is a one-foot, perennial wildflower found in dry to wet-mesic soils and full to part sun. Yellow Star Grass features tufted, grass-like leaves and yellow, star-shaped flowers that appear in mid-spring to early summer. … Continued

Hystrix patula
Hystrix patula, or Bottlebrush Grass, is an ornamental woodland species with airy, bottlebrush-like seed heads in mid-summer. Bottle Brush Grass grows best in dry to medium soils in shade to part sun. Bottlebrush Grass is a perfect grass for woodland … Continued

Liatris scariosa
Eastern Blazing Star, or Liatris scariosa, is a two-foot-tall perennial preferring dry soils and full to part sun. Eastern Blazing Star’s rose-purple flower spikes appear in late summer from August to September. The perennial is tough, making it tolerant of … Continued

Lupinus perennis
Lupinus perennis, or Wild Lupine, is a two-foot late spring flowering perennial with shimmering spikes of bright blue flowers. It prefers dry sandy or gravelly acid soils in part to full sun. Wild Lupine is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which aids … Continued

Mitchella repens
Mitchella repens, or Partridge Berry, is a low-growing perennial forming mat-like colonies of interlaced stems. The glossy evergreen leaves are attractive year-round growing a pair of white flowers in spring. When pollinated, a scarlet berry appears.

Monarda bradburiana
Monarda bradburiana, or Bradbury Monarda, is a two-foot perennial, shorter and more compact than the popular classic Wild Bergamot. Bradbury Monarda has a wonderful minty smell and attracts many pollinating insects and hummingbirds.

Monarda fistulosa
Monarda fistulosa, or Wild Bergamot, is a 2-4 foot adaptable and lovely perennial with a rounded habit. Wild Bergamot’s sweetly aromatic foliage produces violet blooms in summer. The perennial prefers moist fertile soils in full sun to light shade. Used … Continued

Monarda punctata
Monarda punctata, or Spotted Bee Balm, is a 2-3 foot perennial with pink, green and brown-purple spotted flowers in late summer. Spotted Bee Balm prefers moist to dry sandy or gravelly soils in sun to part sun. It is a … Continued

Opuntia humifusa
Opuntia humifusa, or Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, is a sun-loving cactus native to eastern North America. This cactus thrives in full sun and sandy, dry conditions, making it ideal for the driest part of your garden. Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus … Continued