Part Sun
Showing 97–120 of 130 results

Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia hirta, or Black-Eyed Susan, is a showy, easy to grow perennial ideal for meadows and prairies. Black-Eyed Susan’s extravagant, yellow blossoms attract native bees, pollinating flies, beneficial wasps and butterflies. The seed heads attract finches and other birds.

Rudbeckia laciniata
Rudbeckia laciniata, or Cutleaf Coneflower, is a tall, stately native perennial with light yellow petals and green center. Cutleaf Coneflower blooms in August and September, and it is an excellent butterfly magnet. Rudbeckia laciniata is also known as Green-Headed Coneflower.

Rudbeckia subtomentosa
Rudbeckia subtomentosa, or Sweet Black-Eyed Susan, is a 3-5 foot perennial for moist to wet soils in sun to part sun. Sweet Black-Eyed Susan has deep green foliage with abundant yellow blooms and reddish-brown centers, appearing in late July through … Continued

Rudbeckia triloba
Rudbeckia triloba, or Brown-eyed Susan, is a 2-3 foot perennial with abundant yellow-gold, flat-faced flowers centered in brown, blooming in late summer to early fall. Brown Eyed-Susan prefers moist soils in full to part sun. The perennial finds its home … Continued

Ruellia humilis
Ruellia humilis, or Wild Petunia, is a 1 foot, very hardy perennial with lovely trumpet-shaped violet flowers, appearing in mid to late summer. Wild Petunia is great for dry, rocky, shallow soils in full to part sun. It is drought-tolerant … Continued

Sanguinaria canadensis
Sanguinaria canadensis, or Bloodroot, is a 1 foot, woodland, spring ephemeral perennial for moist, well-drained soils in part sun to full shade. Bloodroot is native to moist woods, floodplains and slopes. Its snow-white flowers appear in early spring, but they … Continued

Scirpus cyperinus
Scirpus cyperinus, or Wool Grass, is a 3-5 foot wetland sedge for moist to wet soils. This includes shallow, permanent standing water in sun to part sun. Wool Grass has an attractive, soft, wooly, seed head in summer to fall … Continued

Senna hebecarpa
Senna hebecarpa, or Wild Senna, is a three-foot perennial producing bright yellow flowers from July to August. Wild Senna’s blooms attract many bees and butterflies in the late summer. In autumn, the perennial brings colorful leaves and black seed pods … Continued

Silene stellata
Silene stellata, or Starry Campion, is a one-foot perennial with five frilled white petals meeting a bell-shaped green calyx. Starry Campion is a hardy, drought-tolerant plant that reseeds itself. Silene stellata is also known as Widow’s Frill.

Silphium perfoliatum
Silphium perfoliatum, or Cup Plant, is a 6-8 foot, hardy, stunning perennial for full to part sun in moist to dry soils. Cup Plant produces large yellow flowers at the tops of plants in summer, and it will reseed itself … Continued

Smilacina racemosa
Smilacina racemosa, or False Solomon’s Seal, is a two-foot perennial with white flowers appearing in late spring to early summer, followed by red berries. False Solomon’s Seal spreads slowly by rhizomes. The native perennial prefers shade to part sun and … Continued

Solidago flexicaulis
Solidago flexicaulis, or Zig Zag Goldenrod, is a 2-4 foot woodland perennial goldenrod with oval serrated leaves. Zig Zag Goldenrod prefers dry to medium moist soils in shade to part sun and is a moderate spreader. The perennial produces golden … Continued

Solidago odora
Solidago odora, or Anise-Scented Goldenrod, is a native perennial named for the licorice fragrance produced by the leaves when crushed. Anise-Scented Goldenrod provides a burst of color late in the season with its dense spires of golden-yellow flowers.

Solidago rugosa
Solidago rugosa, or Rough-stemmed Goldenrod, is an easily grown perennial known for its rough, hairy stem and wrinkled leaves. Rough-stemmed Goldenrod grows in average, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. This perennial’s dense yellow flowers … Continued

Solidago sempervirens
Solidago sempervirens, or Seaside Goldenrod, is 2-4 foot, showy perennial with graceful, plume-like, golden yellow flower heads in fall. Seaside Goldenrod prefers sandy or well-drained soils in full to part sun. This perennial is one of the few plants surviving … Continued

Solidago speciosa
Solidago speciosa, or Showy Goldenrod, is a 2-4 foot, showy perennial for moist to dry soils in sun to part sun. Showy Goldenrod’s light yellow, candlestick-shaped blooms in fall and its red stems make this a favorite of fields and … Continued

Sorghastrum nutans
Sorghastrum nutans, or Indian Grass, is a 4-6 foot tall, clump-forming, warm-season grass native to North America. Indiangrass blooms from late summer to early fall and is composed of flowers with yellow stamens and silky, soft, bronze seed heads. In … Continued

Spigelia marilandica
Spigelia marilandica, or Woodland Indian Pink, is a one foot, striking, woodland perennial with crimson and light yellow interior blooms in summer. Woodland Indian Pink prefers part sun to light shade in moist rich woods. The perennial forms a good … Continued

Thalictrum dasycarpum
Thalictrum dasycarpum, or Purple Meadow Rue, is a 3-5 foot, herbaceous perennial that prefers full to part sun in medium to moist soils. The native perennial produces slender, white-yellow, tassel-like blooms from sturdy, purplish stems in early to mid-summer. It … Continued

Tiarella cordifolia
Tiarella cordifolia, or Foam Flower, is one foot, woodland perennial with delicate foam-like white flowers in spring. Foam Flower prefers part to full shade in medium to moist rich soils. The perennial produces attractive maple-like mottled semi-evergreen leaves and is … Continued

Tradescantia ohiensis
Tradescantia ohiensis, or Ohio Spiderwort, is a 1-2 foot, tough, drought-tolerant and long-blooming perennial for dry to medium, moist, well-drained soils in full to part sun. Ohio Spiderwort’s deep blue-violet flowers appear from late spring to midsummer alongside blue-green grass-like … Continued

Trillium grandiflorum
Trillium grandiflorum, or White Trillium, is a one foot, woodland, ground cover perennial with bright, three-petaled, white flowers resembling dogwoods from April to June. White Trillium prefers part to full shade in moist rich soils. White Trillium is one of … Continued

Trillium luteum
Trillium luteum, or Yellow Trillium, is a spring ephemeral bearing yellow blossoms paired with mottled silver-green leaves. Yellow Trillium is excellent in shade gardens or wooded areas. Did you know Trilliums rely on myrmecochory? This means seed dispersal relies primarily … Continued

Trillium recurvatum
Trillium recurvatum, or Prairie Trillium is a lovely spring perennial with wine-red flowers on top its three, spreading, mottled leaves. The flowers curve inward toward their tips and the sepals hang downward from the flower. One of the earliest blooming … Continued