Showing 1–24 of 60 results

Actaea pachypoda
White Baneberry, or Actaea pachypoda, is also known as Doll’s Eyes and can grow up to two feet tall. White Baneberry is best grown in moist, well-drained soils in part sun to full shade. The herbaceous perennial produces white fruit, … Continued

Adiantum pedatum
Adiantum pedatum, or Maidenhair Fern, is a fern producing light green whorls of circular fronds on black, thread-like stems. Maidenhair Fern prefers moist, rich, well-drained soils and part to full shade. The fern spreads slowly, and its clumps expand by … Continued

Anemone virginiana
Anemone virginiana, or Tall Thimbleweed, is a 2-4 foot perennial member of the Buttercup family. It grows in full sun to shade and in average to dry soils. Tall Thimbleweed’s leaves are strongly veined with distinct stalks. Tall Thimbleweed produces … Continued

Anemonella thalictroides
Anemonella thalictroides, or Rue Anemone, is an early spring plant with delicate white blooms growing in well-drained soil. Rue Anemone is perfect for shaded areas of a rock garden or as an underplanting for shrubs. Anemonella thalictroides is also known … Continued

Aquilegia canadensis
Aquilegia canadensis, or Columbine, is a classic woodland wildflower with lacy blue-green foliage and beautiful red and yellow flowers. Hummingbirds flock to its flowers, and it reseeds itself freely.

Arisaema triphyllum
Arisaema triphyllum, or Jack-in-the-Pulpit, is a spring woodland flower growing in various conditions, but it thrives in moist, shady locations. Jack-in-the-Pulpit is composed of three-parted leaves and flowers in a spadix covered by a hood. Once established, this plant is … Continued

Aruncus dioicus
Aruncus dioicus, or Goat’s Beard, is a perennial member of the rose family growing in moist woods, meadows, and along streams. Goat’s Beard is a very showy plant growing 3 to 5 feet tall in large bushy clumps. The plant … Continued

Asarum canadense
Asarum canadense, or Wild Ginger, is a six-inch tall, woodland, perennial ground cover plant for shady, medium moist, humus-rich soils. Wild Ginger features red cup-shaped flowers hidden below green heart-shaped leaves that arrive in early summer.

Asclepias syriaca
Asclepias syriaca, or Milkweed, is a herbaceous perennial with pink flowers serving as a great nectar source for butterflies. Its leaves are a food source for Monarch butterfly larvae. Milkweed, or Common Milkweed, is easily grown in average, dry to … Continued

Asplenium platyneuron
Asplenium platyneuron, or Ebony Spleenwort, is an evergreen fern growing in medium yet well-drained locations. It can tolerate more sun than most ferns but prefers shade or semi-shade settings. The plant produces arching, pinnate, semi-glossy, dark green fronds. Ebony Spleenwort … Continued

Aster cordifolius
Aster cordifolius, or Blue Wood Aster, is a 2-3 foot perennial for partially shaded sites in dry or moist soil. Blue Wood Aster is often found at the edge of woods with clouds of blue flowers appearing in early fall. … Continued

Aster divaricatus
Aster divaricatus, or White Wood Aster, is a low mounding, rhizomatous perennial that is typically the first aster to bloom in late summer. White Wood Aster produces white ray flowers with light pink centers that are sure to brighten your … Continued

Athyrium filix-femina
Athyrium filix-femina, or Lady Fern, is a fern with bright green fronds and a very lacy texture. Lady Fern prefers moist, rich soils in part sun to shade. It is one of the easiest ferns to grow and is more … Continued

Campanula americana
Campanula americana, or Tall Bell Flower, is a 4-5 foot biennial for full shade to full sun and rich, well-drained, moist soils. Its deep blue flowers appear in July to early September. Tall Bell Flower is found in moist meadows … Continued

Carex blanda
Carex blanda, or Wood Sedge, is an evergreen, perennial sedge growing in moist to dry soils and part sun or full shade. Wood Sedge displays deep green flower spikes above its leaves in late spring. Wood Sedge offers a low-mounded … Continued

Carex pensylvanica
Carex pensylvanica, or Pennsylvania Sedge, is a perennial sedge that is one of the first to bloom in spring. The sedge is a shade-loving perennial growing in dry to medium soils. Pennsylvania Sedge enjoys upland woodlands, wooded slopes, or sandy … Continued

Carex stipata
Carex stipata, or Common Fox Sedge, is a sturdy, deer-resistant sedge active in the spring and fall when the soil is cool. It is found in areas with full shade or full sun and consistently moist or medium soils. Common … Continued

Caulophyllum thalictroides
Caulophyllum thalictroides, or Blue Cohosh, is a 2-3 foot perennial for moist rich woods. Its beautiful foliage appears in spring turning from purple-green to blue-green. Star-shaped yellow flowers on Blue Cohosh appear in early spring and its deep blue-black berries … Continued

Cimicifuga racemosa
Cimicifuga racemosa, or Black Cohosh, is a 3-5 foot perennial with excellent compound foliage and soaring wand-like white flower spikes in summer. Black Cohosh can be found in part sun to full shade and moist, well-drained soils. Historically, the roots … Continued

Delphinium exaltatum
Delphinium exaltatum, or Tall Larkspur, is a 3-5 foot long-lived perennial that thrives in shade to part sun and rich, moist well-drained soils. Tall Larkspur has brilliant blue flowers that appear from July to August, much later bloom time than … Continued

Delphinium tricorne
Delphinium tricorne, or Dwarf Larkspur, is a one-foot perennial thriving in medium to wet soil in all sun exposures, particularly part sun to shade. Dwarf Larkspur’s blue-purple flowers appear in early spring from April to June. Long-tongued bees, hummingbirds and … Continued

Dennstaedtia punctilobula
Dennstaedtia punctilobula, or Hay-Scented Fern, is a deciduous fern with pale green, twice-pinnate fronds and a very lacy texture. Hay-scented Fern gets its name from the fronds that releases a fragrance similar to fresh mown hay when brushed with hands … Continued

Dicentra cucullaria
Dicentra cucullaria, or Dutchman’s Breeches is a spring ephemeral flowering in the early spring in time for the first bumblebees to enjoy its white flowers. The pair of outer petals form a swollen “V” making the hanging flower seem like … Continued

Dicentra eximia
Dicentra eximia, or Bleeding Heart, is a dainty little 9-12” woodlander perennial with attractive lacy fern-like foliage and pink flowers shaped like bleeding hearts. Bleeding Heart prefers full to part shade and medium to moist loamy, organic well-drained soils. Native … Continued